Saturday, June 21, 2008

I'm at Harvard!

Today I moved into my dorm at Harvard's Secondary School Summer Program (SSP). I'm living in a 3-man suite in Greenough Hall, which is a dorm just outside of Harvard Yard. The suite has two rooms, both quite spacious,  so my roommates and I decided to put the beds in one room, and our desks and everything in the other room. It should feel like home soon enough!

Everyone here seems great (I just hope I'll be able to remember their names!). There are a lot of people from a LOT of different places. My roommates are from New York and Texas, and other guys living on my hall are from all over - Athens, Dubai, etc. Being just a short drive away from home myself, this is pretty exciting.

Along with my internship at Mass. General, I will be taking an Intro. to Psychology class at Harvard, which should be pretty interesting. Classes are Monday and Wednesday nights. Depending on my work schedule, I'm also thinking of auditioning for Harvard's Choir, which will meet on Tuesday and Thursday nights. Looks like I'm going to be quite busy, but I couldn't be more excited!

Well, that's all I have for now. I'll get to the actual MGH part once I get started later this week. I can hardly wait!


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